“Every troubleshooting vibration problem I seem to look at these days is resonance related. Here is a great Motion Amplification video of a vertical water pump that is running in a resonant condition. Over the last 10-15 years, these types of problems have become a lot more common. A combination of the use of variable speed drives and swapping out old heavy cast motors for lightweight energy-efficient ones, which change the system natural frequency, is a common problem. Some significant stiffening is required on this one to move the natural frequency away from the operating speed range of the pump.

It was great to sit with the site team on this one, as everyone clearly understood the problem from the MA videos. Unless you have some VA experience, 25mm/sec RMS at 1XRPM really doesn’t mean much to most people, but as they say, a picture/video is worth a thousand words, which was so true in this case.” — Stuart Walker

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