“It’s great to be involved in using the latest cutting-edge technology. We are starting to see some unique data never seen before. Following on from last week’s post with the dyno bearing problem, here is a shot using the Tach Sync and Motion Amplification camera. The camera is synced using a Tach pulse to freeze the shaft, in this case running at 33Hz. The rotating component can then be motion amplified, measured, and filtered to any frequencies present, showing only the non-sync vibration as the synchronous vibration is removed.
Interestingly, our standard VA data was showing a number of running speed harmonics, similar to looseness, but surrounding these harmonics were some unusual sidebands at 4.1 Hz. When we looked at the Tach sync data, a clear 4.1Hz frequency dominated. The MA data shows the rotor flexing/bending with some axial motion on the bearings. We think this is a reaction to the bearing issue, which is flexing due to distortion and incorrect type for speed and application. If there are any rotor dynamic experts out there, feel free to chip in!” — Stuart Walker
Learn more about Motion Amplification.