“Here are my favourite Motion Amplification shots of 2021 . Just wanted to say thanks to our MA team, and Marketing Paul, for some fantastic work this year. It’s been our most hectic Nov/Dec ever as everyone seems to want an MA camera for Christmas as budgets are spent up . At RMS, we love doing our MA proof of concept days on site, so if you are involved with Condition Monitoring, Reliability, vibration analysis, R&D, NVH, get in touch for 2022.

Lots of growth in R&D applications Aerospace/Automotive for the MA Technology. These are some of the coolest jobs we get involved with. Unfortunately, it’s all top-secret stuff, so we cannot share any experiences in this area.

A big thanks to RDI Technologies Inc. for producing such an amazing technology and being a great partner to work with. I know development continues at a high pace, so look out for new developments and products in the future.

Happy Holidays, see you in 2022 .” — Stuart Walker

Learn more about our MA proof of concept days.
Learn more about Motion Amplification.