Who should attend
CAT I Vibration Analysis is the starting place for vibration students. If you have been performing vibration analysis for less than one year, or if you have been collecting vibration readings and leaving the analysis to another person, then this course is for you.
The CAT I is also designed for reliability engineers, PdM program managers, and other maintenance staff who would like to understand condition monitoring with a focus on vibration analysis, and take the ISO or ASNT exam.
Course highlights
- Independent training, free from sales literature
- BINDT and MIBoC certified training partner
- Professional instructors, with a hands-on approach
- On Hotel-based courses, free book BINDT CM
- Flexible range of in-person and online study options
- Easy-to-navigate Training Brochure for offline reading
- Enquire online or complete a PDF registration form
- Support available via email, chatbot or telephone
- Same-day custom quotation using the the form above
- Download a PDF version of the Training Schedule
Course details & examinations
- The benefits of performing condition monitoring and improving reliability
- The condition monitoring technologies: acoustic emission, infrared analysis (thermography), oil analysis, wear particle analysis, motor testing
- How machines work – via supplementary self-study via the “Equipment Knowledge” section
- Why vibration measurements can tell you about the condition of the machine
- How to collect good, repeatable measurements
- What the Fmax, resolution, averaging and other analyser settings mean
- How to Analyse vibration spectra, and the basics of fault diagnosis: unbalance, misalignment, looseness, rolling element bearings faults, resonance, and other conditions
- An introduction to setting alarm limits
Study options
Public hotel-based
Pre-course preparation
- Mobius Institute, Learning Portal registration.
- Login details are sent by email (three to five working days).
- Learning Portal gives access to pre-study course materials.
- Printed course materials are given out on the first day.
- All course dates must be attended at the times agreed.
- 4 days for CAT-I, 5 Days for CAT-II and CAT-III.
Technology requirements
All technology is provided.
Daily program
The training starts at 9 am on the first day and 8:30 am on subsequent days. We aim to finish before 5 pm. Morning coffee, afternoon tea and lunch are provided on each day. Hotels fees are not included.
Awarding bodies
- BINDT students need to complete this Registration Form.
- BINDT/MIBoC exams can be taken locally (Approved invigilator).
- MIBoC exams can also be taken Online.
Examinations and results
CAT I: 2 hrs (multi-choice. 60 Q’s. Closed book. Pass: 70%).
CAT II: 3 hrs (multi-choice. 100 Q’s. Closed book. Pass: 70%).
CAT III: 4 hrs (multi-choice. 100 Q’s. Closed book. Pass: 70%).
Results/Certifications will be sent within 3-4 weeks.
What’s included
Hotel-based | Self-paced | Virtual / Hybrid | Onsite private | |
Face to face | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Online course | No | Yes | No | No |
*Study Community | No | Yes | Yes | No |
Pre-study content | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
**Printed materials | Yes | Optional | Yes | Yes |
Examination | BINDT or MIBoC | MIBoC | BINDT or MIBoC | BINDT or MIBoC |
Support team | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
* Community on Microsoft Teams. Course Manual available in digital format; six months access is included.
** Course manual, VA Wall Chart, Reference Guide, Mobius Calculator, Mobius pen, Notebook, Key-fob, USB Stick.
Course venues
Stoke by Nayland Hotel
Keepers Lane, Leavenheath, Colchester, Essex, CO6 4PZ. +44 (0)1206 262836
[email protected]
Glenroyal Hotel
Straffan Rd, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, W23 C2C9, Ireland. +353 1 629 0909
[email protected]
Novotel Manchester West
Worsley Brow, Worsley, Manchester M28 2YA.
+44 (0)161 7290029
[email protected]
Stoke by Nayland & Glenroyal Hotel – “after registration a hotel booking no. will be sent to allow you get our group rate.”
Statham Lodge – “mention RMS Training and the name of the course when making your hotel booking.”
Meet the instructors
Dean Whittle is as an approved trainer for both the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) and Mobius Institute ISO-18436-2 accreditation programmes.
James Sylvester is as an approved trainer for both the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) and Mobius Institute ISO-18436-2 accreditation programmes.
BINDT requirements for qualification and certification Training Brochure: CAT-I to CAT-IV Third party accreditation - BINDTs Personnel Certification Scheme Third-party (or central) certification is an independent certification that complies with European and international standards ISO 9712 and ISO 18436. Independent certification means that personnel are required to pass examinations that are devised and set by professional examiners authorised by a Certifying Body, which has overall control over the certification process it operates. The main advantage of such a system is that independently awarded verifiable certification carries wider recognition and acceptance. The Personnel Certification in Non-Destructive Testing (PCN) Scheme offers a system whereby certification of non-destructive testing (NDT) and condition monitoring (CM) personnel can be carried out in accordance with European and international standards by an Authorised Qualifying Body (AQB). An AQB is defined as: ‘A body, independent of any single predominant interest, authorised by the Independent Certifying Body to prepare and administer examinations to qualify NDT personnel.’ One of BINDT’s key propositions is personnel certification, which it provides through the PCN Scheme, covering programmes that include NDT and CM across a number of industry and product sectors. BINDT is a Personnel Certification Body (PCB) accredited to ISO 17024 ‘Conformity assessment – General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons’, accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Services (UKAS), reference: 0030 (accredited to ISO/IEC 17024:2012 to provide certification of persons against EN ISO 9712:2012). PCN is a central (or third-party) certification scheme, as opposed to an employer-based (or second-party) certification scheme, which means that a certificate issued under the scheme indicates conformance to an international standard and competence to undertake certain prescribed NDT or CM tasks. Ultimately, the aim of personnel certification is to provide assurances to those who rely on the tests being undertaken (for example end-users, regulators, insurers, etc) that they have been carried out competently and that is what PCBs and diligent employers set out to do. However, there are some misunderstandings that keep cropping up around personnel certification that can lead to unrealisable expectations being set, which in turn can lead to damage being done to the respective certification scheme’s reputation and, indeed, damage being done to the reputation of the whole NDT/CM profession. To certify students, professional organisations such as BINDT have two options in terms of accreditation: second- or third-party. BINDT’s PCN Scheme is a third-party accredited training scheme and has been independently approved by UKAS. In terms of certification UKAS has accredited BINDT to be able to authorise training and exams with its AQBs and ATOs. Working alongside its AQBs and ATOs, which provide training that BINDT has approved, it is able to provide the certification that industry needs. This third-party accreditation allows for BINDT to provide its world- renowned certification with the assurance that it will be of the same quality no matter where you received your certificate. The reliability of an NDT or CM system can be thought of as a function of the reliability of three elements of the system: the equipment, the procedure and the personnel. All three of these elements need to be considered when specifying NDT or CM. The whole NDT or CM system needs to be qualified or validated by the end-user and, although personnel certification has an important role in the qualification process, it is just one part of the qualification process. Personnel certification (whether central or employer-based) cannot be used as an accurate indicator as to how an individual will behave when at the workplace. Central certification, when provided by PCBs that are accredited by a national accreditation service (such as UKAS in the UK), has the benefit of independence and impartiality, and a certificate issued by such a body provides assurance that the holder conforms to a European and international standard. For example, a certificate covering an NDT method may demonstrate conformance with ISO 9712 and a certificate covering a CM method may demonstrate conformance with ISO 18436. When searching for your next certification choice you should ensure that your provider has the UKAS logo, or local equivalent, as this provides reassurance that the certification/product you are receiving has been thoroughly reviewed and approved. Some examples of other third-party accreditation services are the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ). BINDT offers certification marketed under the PCN Scheme. BINDT has built an international reputation for the certification of personnel in the testing, inspection and condition monitoring fields, indicating that the certificated personnel demonstrate conformity to the relevant documents when performing the defined tasks: BINDT actively encourages members to become registered with the UK’s Engineering Council. More than 80% of new members identified engineering registration and professional development opportunities as the main reasons for joining BINDT. BINDT is committed to providing both guidance and support for members to manage their professional development and to assist members in their preparation for registration. BINDT has also provided the framework for a very successful series of apprenticeship schemes and these not only produce more members and registrants, but they also help to address the skills shortage and in some cases the age profile issue within the industry. The Institute must help to advance the skills that its members and prospective members need to meet the existing and future demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) and to provide support to employers and industry partners too. Training is conducted at a network of ATOs, which are listed in the approved training list that is available at: www.bindt.org/education-and- training/bindt-approved-trainers More about Online Learning We are pleased to offer the following online training courses and learning solutions that include community-based digital support and personal instructor mentoring. You can learn at your own pace, with assistance from an instructor, and optionally take the exam at the end of the course. If the high cost of travel and accommodation, and the time away from your family and work has stopped you from receiving the training that you need, then you should consider our distance learning courses. At a time that is convenient to you, and at a pace that works best for you, you can take our lessons and learn in a very similar way to attendees of our classroom courses. Depending upon the course, you can either view fully narrated slides, or you can watch a video of the class in action. Utilizing the popular iLearnVibration and iLearnAlignment products, we offer distance learning courses where you can view the lessons at your own page, in your own time, and get assistance from an instructor when any questions arise. Of course, you can just buy the products and learn at your own pace without assistance, but you are sure to benefit from interaction with the instructor. In certain courses, you can also interact with other students. These are not noisy, unprofessional videos taken from actual classrooms, each video was carefully created and edited so that you receive the full benefit. As you can see in this sample, you see the instructor talking and you see the slides (and simulators) being used in high resolution. All you need is a good Internet connection and a good monitor (1024×768 or better) and you will be ready to start learning. You can pause and rewind the video so that you can see and hear the instructor cover the topic again. In addition to the lessons, hands-on videos are presented where a variety of vibration analyzers are used to perform a range of tests. The tests include demonstrations of averaging (linear, rms, and peak hold), bump tests, run up and coast down tests, simple ODS tests, bearing fault detection tests, phase analysis, live spectrum analysis, time waveform analysis, and more. You can also perform activities defined by the instructor, and take quizzes that will be reviewed by the instructor. This is a great way to learn. The convenience of learning from home, and the reduced costs associated with travel, meals and accommodation make this a very attractive option – especially while the world’s economy is still recovering. Terms and Conditions We would assume that as the course and exam are delivered in English, your level of spoken and written English is sufficient for you to be able to attend the course and take the exam. If English is not your first language we can apply for extra time in advance of the course. Please notify us as soon as possible if there is any other reason why you need extra time in the exam (eg. Dyslexia), so we can see if we can arrange extra time for you in the exam. The exam body will need to be contacted to arrange this. Prices listed are exclusive of UK VAT, currently at 20%. This applies to all training courses conducted in the UK. Please contact the Training team on +44 (0)1206 791917 if you have any queries. Wendy Whittle Training Team COVID-19 Liability Waiver “I understand that by placing a booking this release discharges RMS Reliability Training Institute from any liability” I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that the CDC and many other public health authorities still recommend practicing social distancing. I further acknowledge that the RMS Reliability Training Institute has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I further acknowledge that RMS Reliability Training Institute can not guarantee that I will not become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, training staff, and other training clients and their families. I voluntarily seek services provided by RMS Reliability Training Institute and acknowledge that I am increasing my risk to exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that I must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending my training course. I attest that: I hereby release and agree to hold RMS Reliability Training Institute harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of the company, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from RMS Reliability Training Institute. I understand that by ‘placing a booking’ this release discharges RMS Reliability Training Institute from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against the company with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received from RMS Reliability Training Institute. This liability waiver and release extends to all owners, partners, and employees.CM/GEN Appendix D
Article: NDT NEWS / September 2021 PCN News / 9
Third-party accreditation and how it relates to BINDT’s Personnel Certification Scheme
What is third-party (central) certification?
Types of accreditation:
Employer-based certification schemes are systems in which the employers are responsible for the administration of the training and qualification examinations of their own employees, as well as the documentation of the required training, examinations and experience in accordance with an employer-based standard or recommended practice. Most employer-based schemes do allow the employer to accept training and examination services provided by outside agencies provided it is properly documented and the employer has determined that the content of those services meet their own company requirements as described in the employer’s Written Practice.
Central certification is when an independent accreditation body has provided assessment to assure that the organisation’s scheme conforms to the relevant standard they are certifying to. This independent third party provides recognition that a prescribed standard of performance has been achieved. To do so, the independent third party reviews processes, systems, organisations, personnel, etc, and when a suitable standard has been achieved provides that organisation with written assurance or certification that it confirms to the specified standard.Role of personnel certification
Role of third-party (central) certification
The British Institute of NDT
What can I study online?
Distance learning benefits
Narrated slides
Video lessons
Updated (28/04/2023)
Pricing & VAT
Training Coordinator
[email protected]General enquiries
[email protected]
FAQs: VA CAT-I Course
For distance learning courses can the examination be taken online?
MIBoC or BINDT examinations can be taken as part of an Instructor-led course. Self-paced online courses are currently MIBoC only. Full details can be found here.
What is the price of a VA CAT I course?
To receive a custom quotation complete the short form above. The training team strives to provide quotations within one working day. More information about the other VA levels: CAT II, CAT III and CAT IV can be found on the Vibration Analysis Courses page.
Last updated: 13th February 2025
Graham S –
The public course provided a great mix of practical and theoretical content. Thanks Dean for the industry insights and your passionate teaching approach. Recommended!
Richard D –
Most useful was the diagnosis and best practice in taking data. A key takeaway was to write working instruction to implement best practice. Aiming to get Cat 1 accredited and learn best practice for measurement and basic diagnostic. Objectives achieved. Great course.
Andrew C –
I enjoyed the overview of fault diagnostics and why they caused the signals they do, particularly gears and bearings. The review of CMS reports and participation in maintenance scheduling was useful. The varying types of sensors and their application (particularly with regards to gearboxes) was insightful. Recommended trainer.
Ian W –
I enjoyed the course, even though I did not pass on the first attempt. I feel the way the course was run with Dean was very good and I have taken a lot away from it.