Join us in March for Reliability Ireland 2023
Ireland’s leading conference for reliability, asset management and maintenance engineers
We are looking forward to exhibiting and speaking at Reliability Ireland from the 21st-22nd of March at ‘Killashee Hotel, County Kildare’. This is our first time exhibiting at Reliability Ireland and already the team are getting excited! You’ll find Dean Whittle and Tom Murphy on Stand Nr: 18, discussing the importance of condition improvement, with a focus on the skills and knowledge needed to adopt innovative technologies, such as Motion Amplification, Ultrasound Analysis, and Asset Monitoring. Don’t miss the chance to hear Dean and Tom present at the event too!
Who would enjoy attending Reliability Ireland?
The learning and networking event for European engineers responsible for maintenance, reliability, continuous improvement, condition monitoring or asset management in the manufacturing, power generation or fleet management sectors.
Event pricing
General Admission: €650.00 +VAT €149.50
What’s included in your ticket price
- Participation in the full conference sessions over the 2 days
- Admission to the exhibition area over the 2 days
- Lunches and coffee/tea breaks
- Networking and social programme, including Pre-Conference Welcome Drinks (Evening of March 20)
- Conference Dinner in Killashee Hotel
- Speakers presentations to take away with you for future reference
- Reliability Ireland conference bag
We look forward to seeing you there!
What can you learn about at Reliability Ireland?
- The latest reliability-focused tools, technology, and tactics.
- A synergistic approach to asset performance from procurement to predictive maintenance to people.
- Best practice in conditioning monitoring and predictive maintenance, including vibrational, oil, thermal, laser and ultrasonic analysis.
- Harnessing the Industry 4.0 and the digital revolution from diagnostic software and online monitoring to artificial intelligence and augmented reality.
- The business case and cost-benefit analysis for reliability and maintenance investments.
- The role of reliability in health and safety, sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
What are the benefits of attending Reliability Ireland?
- Insights from practising engineers and site visits in applications and scenarios, where absolute reliability matters most, including the aviation, food and pharma industries
- An engaging conference format and a practical, hands-on approach, packed with case studies from industry leaders and subject matter experts
- Brief snapshots of the reliability-focused latest tools and equipment and the opportunity to talk further with vendors in our trade exhibition area
- Ideals for upskilling and developing your team and bringing on board other departments to develop reliability as a core organisational value
- Professional networking opportunities during breakout times and social programme
As a reliability professional, we understand the importance of your role to your company’s performance, profitability and reputational health. By optimising asset lifetime and uptime, you directly contribute to profitability, health and safety and business continuity. Your leadership enables colleagues and consumers to enjoy vital products and services cost-effectively and safely, without interruption.
Learn more about Reliability Ireland
What can you learn by visiting our stand?
Get hands-on with Motion Amplifcation, try it yourself live!
Iris M Camera from RDI Technologies
Visit the stand to learn much more about Motion Amplification
Review the latest innovations in Ultrasound Analysis
SDT340 Ultrasound and Vibration Detector from SDT
Read the introduction to Tom’s new interactive book, ‘Have a listen to Ultrasound‘
Discover the benefits of using Emerson’s AMS 2140
AMS 2140 Machinery Health Analyser from Emerson
Who is speaking at Reliability Ireland?
Achieving Reliability Through People & Mindsets
Wesley J Gano, Gary Tyne
Advanced Predictive Diagnostics & Condition Monitoring
Constantin Pop, Kevin Berkery, Christopher Hallum, Dean Whittle
Sustainability & Energy Efficiency
Tristan O’Gorman, David Barrett-Hague
Lubrication Based Reliability
Rich Wurzbach, Leslie Fish, Martin Williamson, Thomas Murphy
Floorplan options for exhibitors
Updated 23rd January 2023
Further information
Visit the Reliability Ireland Website for full details, including how to get to the Killashee Hotel.
Last updated: 19th September 2024